Markdown Cheatsheet
November 16, 2017 in Technology | 1 min read | Tagged: markdown tips cheatsheetHere is a short list (cheat sheet) for markdown for myself to remember how to do stuff with it.
H2 (H1 is in the title)
## H2 (H1 is in the title)
### H3
#### H4
Inserting a link with title
Inserting [a link with title](
Inserting a URL
Inserting a URL <>
Inserting an image
![Image Name]( "Image Description")
- Unordered List
- Another option for UL
- A third option for UL
- Secondary Unordered list
* Unordered List
- Another option for UL
+ A third option for UL
- Secondary Unordered list
- Ordered
- List
- Example
1. Ordered
2. List
3. Example
- Italic
- Bold
- _Italic_
- **Bold**
- `Code`
Page break
Page break
Multiple-line code in Python
def hello_world
print "Hello, World!"
Multiple-line code in Python
``` python
def hello_world
print "Hello, World!"
Nested blockquote
> blockquote
> > Nested blockquote
Line break can be done
by putting double space
at the end of the line
Line break can be done
by putting double space
at the end of the line
This list was inspired by Jekyll Now